Senin, 02 Juni 2008

Utopia, Web Based Game

Beberapa waktu niy (4 bulanan), nemu game bagus, game dimana kurusetra ngambil ide, namanya Utopia. Ni game web based, jadi gag boros bandwith. Nemuin strateginya, tak posting disini, tapi masi bahasa londo lho....

[Guide start here]
Congratz! You have joined the best War Strategy Text Game ever!

Above all else, always read and FOLLOW instructions. In War, always attack Targets A which will be listed here in Forums. Message the Monarch if you don't know something (he is shown by 'M' in kd list).

1. Adjust Draft Rate to 60%.

2. Raze Homes (all buildings and barren acres create sufficient population, not just Homes).

Construct Buildings before anything else as follows:
(Avoid the beginner's tendency to build a bit of everything - what they term "rainbow" strategy)

All races (fast growth method): Construct:

Farms 9%
Banks 27%
Guilds 27%
Towers 27% (for Dark Elves - use Armories 20%, Schools +7%)
Schools 10%

3. Aim to come out of protection with 550 acres and at least 2000+ def specs (elites for Gnomes) and 300+ thieves. From then on, train 50 thieves per day.

4. Train 8 defense specialists (def specs) per acre = 8000 at 1k acres. Dark Elves, train 5000 def specs, then train 8000 elites, then convert the def specs into off specs (Don't train elites if late in Age). Gnomes, 6000 elites before 8000 def specs. (Gnomes train def specs to avoid "suiciding" in war).

5. Cast Paradise and Explore a combined total of 50 acres per day until you have 1K acres.

6. Then train remaining soldiers into offense specialists (off specs). (If early in the Age, you can convert 20% of the Towers into Armories and train offensive elites).

7. Cast Minor Protection, Inspire Army, Fertile Lands & Mind Focus each time you login. Patriotism if your Military Total is below 50%. Love & Peace if you're a Gnome.

8. Pump Alchemy first until 100 PPA (points per acre), then Housing & Tools. Put 5000 points into Food whenever you have a shortage.

9. Dark Elves, cast Tree of Gold with all excess mana.

10. Put all spare gc into science - maintain 100 PPA in Alchemy always.



1. Cast Minor/Greater Protection, Magic shield, Reflect Magic, Clear Sight, Inspire Army, Mind Focus (not in War), each time you login, whichever of the spells your race can cast.

2. Adjust Draft Level to Reservist once your Military Total exceeds 50%.

3. Continue to Paradise and Explore to 1K acres.

4. Train 3+ thieves per acre (TPA), 3+ wizards per acre (WPA).

5. Don't train Elites if late in Age.

6. Once you have 1K acres and your army is fully trained (Military Total = 60% and all soldiers trained), convert to this Building Strategy & adjust Wage Rate to 200%:

(all races & personalities):

Farms 10% (except Shepherds & Sages - put 4-6% into Schools in Peace/WTs or Barracks in War)
Banks 10%
TGs 10% (except Orcs - use Barracks if you attack twice daily, or WTs if once daily)
Hospitals 10% (except Gnomes - use Schools in Peace/ Towers in War)
Guilds 20%
Dens 20%
Towers 8% (except Dark Elves - use Schools in Peace/ WTs in War)
Stables 11%
Dungeons 1%



Before attacking, cast Crystal Ball (CB) on an enemy province equal or lesser in Networth (NW) than you (minimum 70% of your NW). Then use 8 thieves to Spy On Military (SoM).

Copy (type ctrl-A, then ctrl-C) the CB followed by the SoM into Utopia Angel Calculator (download from

Angel will show you how much of each type of troops, horses, prisoners (all), generals (4 usually), to send, to ensure success.

Go to War Room. Make sure you select "Trad March" from pull-down menu, and type in 4 generals, all the prisoners, and the required number of off specs or elites and a matching number of horses.



1. Always keep an eye on your defense. Aim to maintain at least 8 def specs per acre always. That ratio level tends to deter most casual attackers.

2. Always keep an eye on food shortages in Council Reports. Build more farms whenever you see it go into the red.

3. Whenever you run short of money or runes and want to steal it, avoid Gnomes. And do an Infiltrate with 8 thieves to look for targets with not much thief defense (less than 100 thieves). For runes and food, you only need to send out 50 - 100 thieves.

4. Send all 4 generals at one go if you are making only one attack for extra military bonuses, since generals are only useful for attack.

5. Always read the Paper to see what is going on in your kingdom.

6. Aim to be 140+ networth per acre (NWA) so that you will not be an attractive target for attackers.

7. Finally, and most importantly, make an effort to interact with your kd mates and follow instructions.
You don't have to be a chatty avid contributor to forums, but if you follow instructions, and are helpful and willing to learn, you are going to have so much more fun because your kingdom mates will definitely rally around you in times of war.

On the flip side, if you don't follow instructions, your kingdom mates will raze you to kick you out!

Utopia is no longer a solo game - it's a team game. If you want a solo game, play Norron(, which is similar, but allows you to do your own thing in peace.

Here's a useful website for quick reference & explanations, though it is not up to date:

Good luck and have fun!

[Guide end here]

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